Latest technologies for the success of our online show

Day in and day out, you use the latest technology and are always personally available to your patients. As a clinic, you do everything you can to ensure successful treatment for infertility patients. For you, as a clinic, this is standard and quite normal. As a clinic, you should expect and demand the same from an online trade fair.
We, as organizers of the world’s first three-dimensional online fertility fair, offer you everything you deserve. We use the latest technology, and patients can personally approach you at the online show at any time.
Latest technology:
A three-dimensional exhibition hall through which visitors can virtually walk and look at the clinic exhibition booths. In the process, they can interact with the clinics and other exhibitors.
Personally approachable:
Face-to-face video chats:
As early as four weeks before starting the online trade show, visitors can make a personal appointment for a 1:1 video chat with you. This is also still possible directly at the online trade fair. Only you as a clinic determine how long the appointment with the patient lasts.
Live lectures:
For the live lectures, you have a time window of 60 minutes in which you, as a clinic, can give a live course. During the speech, the viewers/listeners have time to ask their questions and communicate directly with you as a clinic.
It is quite normal for them as a clinic and standard to use the latest technology for the tremendous possible success for their patients; of course, they are also always personally approachable for the patients.
Why not expect the most tremendous possible success from an online exhibition combined with the latest technologies, you should not settle for less.
Contact us for your participation as an exhibitor at the 1st International Online Fertility Show.